Tuesday, August 31, 2010

food tech course night 2010

sunday 29/8/10...
my first food tech course night in upm...

before the night...
all of us juniors have been spending our free time to practice and preparing for the night..
2 performance- dance and drama...

on that day morning..
we get up early morning to start dressing up ourself..
cause we need to go there early to play some games with 2nd year seniors...
have fun cause finally have a chance to work together to win a session...

anyway...i m here to thx my dear frens...eva and ing poh that help me to make up and style my hair...
u guys are so pro!!!
love u guys...muackzzzz...

that night...
performance goes on well...
but our dance is out of tune with the music in the beginning...
too bad...but it ended well....
an applause goes to the drama team...
cause they really done a good job...
their scene makes all the seniors entertained...
well done all of you....
BSTM 1st year juniors are the best!!!
gambateh for next year course night...

not to forget...
our course king and queen...
ang and kam chen...
congratss ya^^

the food that night were so nice...
although is not wad luxurious food...they are much more better than the food inside uni...
maybe is just too hungry..i think all of us eat damn much....

photos will be uploaded soon when i back kuantan for my raya holidays...
countdown-ing...there is 3 more days to go...
stay tuned...

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